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Source: https://droitsculturels.org/observatoire/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/12/personification.jpg

Fribourg declaration et reviewing

Patrice Meyer-Bisch and alii Civil society


Keywords: cultural rights, cultural democracy, recognition, cultural diversity
Threads: (Un)framing Knowledge, Cooperating with(in) arts and culture

Short description

This Declaration has been published in 2007 as an answer to conflicts that are, according to the group, caused by violations of cultural rights. In addition, “numerous development
strategies have proved inadequate due to their neglect of these
rights”. Thus, “the Fribourg group” concluded that the universality and indivisibility of human rights still suffer as a result of the marginalization of cultural rights.
Cultural rights refer to the rights, freedoms and responsibilities for a person, alone or in a group, with and for the others, to choose and express their identity, and to access cultural references as resources for its identification process.

Personal appreciation

Recognition of Cultural Rights present a very strong interest for minorities and all groups that have been invisible and undermined under dominant cultures and powers. These rights have a political impact for the implementation of cultural policies at local and national levels. They promote the empowerment of the persons, not only in cultural fields but in every area of life.
The Declaration is also addressed to people, communities, institutions and organizations that intend to work to ensure the development of the rights, freedoms and responsibilities it expresses.

Contribution to the "Who knows?" handbook


Link to material #1 - Video on Patrice Meyer-Bisch / September 2021 (Youtube)

Additional Information

Location Fribourg / Switzerland
Organisation internationale de la francophonie – OIF
Conseil de l’Europe
Original language(s) French
Existing translations
Length 12 pages
Project runtime -
Institution of affiliation Observatoire de la diversité et des droits culturels c/o Institut Interdisciplinaire d’Ethique et des Droits de l’Homme
Chaire UNESCO pour les droits de l’homme et la démocratie Av. de Beauregard 13 CH-1700 Fribourg
Sponsor(s) UNESCO
Name of contributor: Pascale Bonniel Chalier

Additional Pictures

Creative Commons

This text is licensed under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. The link to the original material is situated at the top right of the text.

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