Creative Europe en partage – Sharing Creative Europe

Submitted by Pierre Brini, LABA, Bordeaux

This method is used to explain and exchange information about the framework of the EU Creative Europe program by using feedback based on concrete cases, post-mortems or projects in progress. Each question of the application for Creative Europe is reflected and discussed one by one : the learners think about possible answers for each question for 10 minutes, then the teacher exposes his answer and the one of another expert. The objective of the method is the transmission of knowledge through practice and sharing of tools and working documents adapted to individual projects.

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In which way is this method alternative? 

This method is not “overhanging” but allows to confront students concretely and directly to the questions raised by the studied subjects during the course. It allows an immersion in the heart of the issues, concerning both general aspects addressed by the trainer, but especially allows to deal with specific issues related to the profile of the project leader (student) and the studied project.

In which context was the method developed?

This methodical work was relatively empirical, adapting to the framework of training for audiovisual and film production professionals. The state of the art and the little existing documentation on these very specific and precise questions also contributed to this methodical operation (initially rather constrained) that I will qualify as organic. Small groups, with or without previous experience of European funding in the sector. Despite a certain heterogeneity of profiles, the results on involvement, commitment and active participation were very good.

The returns in training follow-up also seem very relevant and sustainable. The sharing of experience, the deciphering of the project in post-mortem, the concrete sharing by the menu of the different aspects of the files to be constituted and the definition of a philosophy (or an approach) were the points most appreciated by the students.

Settings and participants the method is best suited for

It seems to me that this approach is adapted to professional or semi-professional profiles (young entrepreneur, producer with a first experience). A small group work is probably more efficient. But a diversity of profiles and projects is interesting to multiply the examples and options. It is advisable to be attentive to the main principles, to the “guiding philosophy”, which accompanies the choices and allows to nuance or to adjust the strategic approaches and the decision-making.

Experiences with the method

Mainly aimed at profiles in the process of professionalization or specialization (production, project management, European and international co-production), this approach makes the involvement very organic and obvious. The sharing of experience, expertise and ad hoc work on a student’s project are ideal sources of information, methodology and answers for individual enrichment and capacity building. Beyond these very concrete elements, a philosophy or approach usually emerges from this work, often shared within the group that attends the discussions on all the individual projects. One understands for oneself and learns (or retains) through working together…


We were able to discuss this approach with another professional trainer with whom we share the approach and the experience. Our comments are along the same lines… It is useful to specify that this work has not been multiplied and has only taken place face-to-face over two sessions in 2021 and early 2022.